
In years 10 and 11, students will study a CORE curriculum area that is compulsory. Maths, English, Science, ICT and Employability are accredited courses meaning they are national recognised qualifications.


In years 10 and 11, students will study a CORE curriculum area that is compulsory. Maths, English, Science, ICT and Employability are accredited courses meaning they are national recognised qualifications.

Maths (Accredited)

Students will study the full GCSE-Graded from 1-9. All students will be required to sit an exam at the end of year 11.

English (Accredited)

Students will study the full GCSE-Graded from 1-9. All students will be required to sit an exam at the end of year 11.

Information Communication Technology (Accredited)

The purpose of the qualification is to build on the efficient use of technology to improve student productivity and work in other subject areas and prepare them for the wider world of work. 

Science GCSE (Accredited)

The qualification is intended to be accessible to a wide range of learners of all abilities. Learners can develop a more ‘hands on’ approach to their learning and gain practical skills, knowledge and understanding in the field of Biology and Physics.


Core Physical Education

The national curriculum for physical education aims to ensure that all pupils develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities, are physically active for sustained periods of time, engage in competitive sports and activities, lead healthy, active lives.


Personal, Social, Health and Economic education.


Relationship, Sex and Health Education


Teaching the skills and developing personal attributes that will make our students more likely to gain employment and be successful in their chosen occupations for life after school and college).

Students are then required to pick 3 Accredited choices from the list below:

  1. Physical Education-GCSE
  2. Construction-NCFE level 1
  3. Food and Cooking-BTEC Level 1 and 2.
  4. Art and Design-GCSE.
  5. Music– Level 1 and 2 (GSCE Equivalent).
  6. History – GCSE
  7. Duke of Edinburgh-Bronze Award.

This booklet outlines the detail of our optional curriculum offer. Please read the booklet carefully and indicate the courses and content that you would most like to study.  We appreciate there is a lot of information. 

In June, we offer taster sessions and all our subject leads and tutors will be available to discuss the courses details should you need more information before making your choice. 

Types of Qualifications

Students are able to access different types and levels of qualification, for example:


GCSE courses usually involves an element of coursework and an external examination, taken at the end of Year 11. Work in each subject will be graded from 9-1.


BTEC and NCFE courses are largely portfolio based and relate to a particular vocational area. The courses are equivalent to a level 1 (Grades 1-3) or Level 2 (Grades 4-9)) GCSE but have fewer external exams. All BTEC/ NCFE assessment decisions are subject to internal and external verification. 

Entry Level/Functional Skills Qualifications

Entry Level/Functional Skills Qualifications. These qualifications can help you build skills, increase your knowledge and boost your confidence. They are known as and are open to anyone interested in gaining a recognised qualification. These qualifications aim to prepare you for further study, work and adult life. They also help in stepping up to post 16 level 1 college courses. 


Our curriculum offer is designed to prepare our students for the next stage of their Education, Employment or Training. With hard work and dedication our students could leave with up to 8 recognised qualifications to college and future employers.

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