
Within Key Stage 3, students have 4 Science lessons per week; this is broken down into two terms of physics, two terms of biology and two terms of chemistry.


Within Key Stage 3, students have 4 Science lessons per week, this is broken down into two term of physics, two terms of biology and two term of chemistry. Students work scientifically in both practical and theory lessons and covers Earth and the planets, inheritance and adaptation, forces, ecosystem processes, living things and their habitats and properties and changes of materials.

Intent – What is our vision for Science? 

At North Star 240 the science curriculum focuses a healthy curiosity in students about our human body, the environment and scientific enquiry. We aim to give our students a knowledge in science that will aid them in their future endeavours.  

We intend for children to: 

  • Develop understanding of how science works through different types of science enquiries that help them to answer scientific questions about the world around them. 
  • Widen their knowledge base and therefore actively engage them to find out for themselves outside of the classroom environment. 
  • Students will acquire and develop their knowledge and scientific skills that has been identified within each unit and across each year group. 
  • Have the basis of science knowledge that will give opportunities for further studies and post 16.  
  • Incorporate in lessons SMSC links to discuss and learn about different topics of interest in science lessons.  


Implementation – How will we do this? 


  • A cycle of lessons for each unit, which carefully plans for progression and depth in which science teachers will ensure that they consistently raise’s pupils’ aspirations and promote pupil engagement. 
  • Through our planning, we involve problem solving opportunities that allow children to find out for themselves, carry out investigations, look at the evidence and come to scientific conclusions. 
  • Working Scientifically skills are embedded into lessons to ensure these skills are being developed throughout the student’s school and new vocabulary and challenging concepts are introduced. 
  • Tracking of progress through formal and summative assessment. 
  • A reflection on standards achieved against the planned outcomes (KPI’s). 
  • For more able and gifted and talented students the option to an additional GCSE in Physics will be offered. The aim is that students to access a GCSE qualification in Science or a Functional Skill Qualification if they choose that option in year 10 as one of their option subjects. 
  • Lessons incorporate SMSC links to discuss, evaluate and learn about different topics that relate to science. 
  • Regular events such as Science Week, museum trips, and provide broader provision that allow for the acquisition and application of knowledge and skills. 



  • Key stage 3 year 7, 8 and 9 Course Description: Within Key Stage 3, year 7.8 and 9 students have 3 Science lessons per week.  

                     Students work scientifically in both practical and theory lessons.  

In Year 7 students cover the following units: Cells, particles and mixtures, forces, light, sound, human reproduction, space, acid and alkalis and simple electrical circuits. 

In Year 8 students cover the following units: Digestion, health, ecosystems, energy transfer, earth resources, rocks, atoms and elements, heating and cooling, mixtures and compounds. 

In Year 9 students cover the following units: Alive, chemical reactions and compounds, evolution and inheritance, forces and pressure, waves and speed. 

  • Key stage 4 year 10 and 11 Course Description: 
  • Students will follow the AQA GCSE Biology course foundation level in year 10 and 11. 
  • Gifted and talented students will have the opportunity to do AQA GCSE Physics as one of their options at KS4 


Impact – planned potential positive impact on the pupils 

Formative (test) and summative (teacher) assessment is used as the main tool for assessing the impact of Science at North Star 240 School as it allows for misconceptions and gaps to be addressed more immediately rather than building on insecure scientific foundations. 

  • Retain knowledge that relates to science with a real-life context and everyday applications. 
  • Achieve age related expectations in science at the end of their cohort year 
  • Recall information from previous learning, question ideas and reflect that will reinforce learning.  
  • Articulate their understanding of scientific concepts and use scientific language in their everyday vocabulary. 
  • Have a knowledge of science or qualification in science take will aid them in their post 16 college courses. 

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