Physical Education
At NS240°, we aim to set the standards within PE and make our delivery bespoke to each student’s needs.
At NS240°, we aim to set the standards within PE and make our delivery bespoke to each student’s needs. The emphasis upon our curriculum is an active and healthy lifestyle that leads to the potential lifelong participation in physical activity. We aim to do this by utilising fitness facilities and training methods to inform students of appropriate techniques and the benefits of exercise, as well teaching about the importance of nutrition alongside a ‘standardised’ multi-sport curriculum.
We link our core planning to meet those of national curriculum guidelines for each key stage, whilst also ensuring strong links with our KS4 PE options. Our assessments link to our plans and are fulfilled each lesson and term so that each child has an opportunity to meet individual learning outcomes.
Our Core PE assessment model is an adapted version of the MEinPE assessment model. Below are our 3 key aims for each area of the MEinPE model that we intend for students to meet by the time they leave NS240°.
Physical ME
The ability to replicate a skill with the correct technique.
The ability to perform a skill with control, fluency, consistency and accuracy.
- The ability to keep on practicing the skill and not giving up if unable to perform the skill at your first attempt.
Social ME
The ability to communicate with other peers.
The ability to both win and lose gracefully within a competitive environment.
- The ability to give all students in your group chance to give their opinions in the lesson.
Theory ME
The ability to answer questions correctly during class discussion
The ability to recall information on components of fitness and training methods.
- The ability to recall information about the location of muscles and bones in the body.
Leadership ME
The ability to help the class set up and tidy away equipment.
The ability to lead a team in a competitive situation or game.
- The ability to be punctual and bring all your correct kit to every lesson.
Coaching ME
The ability to lead/support a group during a warm-up, activity or cool down.
The ability to comment on peer’s ability and give them guidance and help to improve.
- The ability to recall the correct teaching points for the lesson and use a teaching task card.
Healthy ME
The ability to attend extracurricular activities and enjoy physical activity outside the classroom.
The ability to fulfil a healthy active lifestyle and eat a well-balanced diet.
- The ability to have a growth mind set and give all challenges a go.
Our department ethos is for our PE provision to provide a stimulating environment for each participating child, enabling the opportunity to deliver a positive impact on children’s lives. This approach is underpinned by supporting the required elements for a child to engage and learn through active participation. Sports and activity must encompass this and be delivered in a fun and positive learning environment for all.
The curriculum is designed to be accessible and all students are entitled to have the opportunity to progress and reach appropriate levels of attainment in order to realise their potential. This involves teachers matching tasks to the needs, interests and abilities of the students in a learning situation which is challenging and stimulating. Ultimately, teaching and learning strategies are designed to stimulate, enthuse and enable students to gain personal satisfaction from their participation. Sport at North Star 240° has traditionally been very strong and it is important to continue to strive for excellence in all aspects.
Once students reach Year 10, they opt to partake in Cambridge Nationals Sports Science, working towards a Level 2 qualification. This course allows for students to work through the course, progressing through a Level 1 qualification, into Level 2. Students are taught in a manner that enables them to access the qualification in full, taking in to account EHCP needs and individual circumstances with the support required.
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