At North Star 240°, we aim to ensure that all pupils develop an enjoyment of maths and gains fluency in the basic areas with mathematical skills that will allow them to succeed in day-to-day life.
Mathematics Curriculum
At North Star 240, we aim to ensure that all pupils develop an enjoyment of maths and gains fluency in the basic areas with mathematical skills that will allow them to succeed in day-to-day life. At the same time, more able pupils are stretched and challenged as they work towards GCSEs. All pupils are encouraged to recognise the importance of maths and work towards a suitable qualification.
Key Stage 3 – Maths
In KS3, pupils cover all aspects of numeracy and maths and their learning is tracked closely by staff to identify their current working level and ensure that their knowledge and understanding builds upon this in a meaningful way. Pupils have one lesson per week where they use Mathletics to recap the week’s topics and practise their skills. They are able to use this website at home for independent learning.
The following topics, at an ability appropriate level, are covered each term:
Term 1
Number and place value, calculation
Term 2
Calculation, geometry
Term 3
Number and place value, geometry
Term 4
Fractions, decimals, percentages, ratio, probability
Term 5
Algebra, statistics
Term 6
Revision of the year’s topics
All classes in year 7 to 9 have additional numeracy lessons, on top of their maths lessons (year 7 have 4x per week, year 8 have 2x per week and year 9 have 1x per week). The aim of numeracy lessons are to embed and strengthen key numeracy skills that are vital for mathematical success. They follow a clear ordered structure that builds on previous knowledge and therefore should be taught in this order with mastery, not speed or amount covered, as a key focus. The lessons follow a “Numeracy Passport” where students carry out individually planned work which focuses on their key areas for improvement such as number bonds, times tables and applying these to bigger numbers. Once students have these skills well embedded, they move onto a “Numeracy License” where other numeracy skills are practised, such as multiplying and dividing decimals, rounding and money.
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